1. All praise be to God who provided food and water, caused us to swallow it (food and drink) and made for it a way out.
2. Praise be to God who fed me this, and provided it for me with neither power nor strength on my part.
3. O God! You have provided food and water in sufficiency, and with some to spare. You have guided, and given life, and to You is due all praise for what You have granted. 4. Praise be to God, Who has been gracious to us, and guided us, and Who has satisfied our hunger and quenched our thirst, and has brought us every goodness.
5. O God! Bless us by it, and feed us with what is better than it!
6. Praise be to God, with abundant, pure, and blessed praise, without our ever feeling sufficed from need of Him, and without our discarding [His favor], or feeling independent of Him, O Lord!
7. Praise be to God who, sufficed us, gave us shelter, and quenched our thirst, without our ever feeling sufficed from need of Him or from acknowledging Him. To You belongs all praise, our Lord, without us feeling sufficiency from need of You, discarding [Your favor] or feeling independence of You.