1. O He who alternates night and day,
2. O He who creates darkness and light,
3. O He who generates shade and heat,
4. O He who rules over the moon and the sun, and who puts them at the service of His creatures,
5. O He who creates death and life,
6. O He to whom the authority of creating and commanding belong,
7. O He who is exempt from having a partner or a child,
8. O He who does not have an associate in His kingdom,
9. O He who is free from the abasement of adopting a helper,
10. O my Lord, the sole and the true possessor of strength and power,
Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!
We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!
1. O He who knows the requests of those who request,
2. O He who has power to provide the needs of those who make request,
3. O He who hears the laments of those who are overtaken by grief,
4. O He who sees and is mindful of those who shed tears in dread of His chastisement,
5. O He who knows what the hearts of the silent long for,
6. O He who sees and knows the regret of those who repent of their sins,
7. O He who accepts the excuses of the repentant,
8. O He who does not improve the affairs of the seditious and malevolent,
9. O He who does not let the reward of those who do good deeds be wasted,
10. O He who is not distant from the hearts of those who have knowledge of Him,
Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!
We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!
1. O One everlasting and perpetual,
2. O the forgiver of mistakes,
3. O He who hears prayers and answers them,
4. O He whose beneficence is abundant,
5. O the raiser of heavens,
6. O the Remover of calamities,
7. O He whose praise and laudation are great,
8. O He whose splendor and loftiness are eternal,
9. O He whose faithfulness is abundant,
10. O He who gives the noblest reward in return,
Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!
We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!
O God! I ask from You and beseech through your beautiful names:
1. O All-Pardoning One who forgives sinful ones, time and time again,
2. O All-Veiler who repeatedly veils the shame, ugliness, mistakes, faults, and sins of His servants,
3. O Overpowering One who dominates His servants by rule and power, and who rules them in the way He desires by directing them to whatever direction He desires, whether they are willing or not,
4. O All-Compeller who makes everything bow down, who makes whatever he desires happen by force,
5. O All-Patient who does not hasten to punish His servants who persist in rebellion, who grants patience to His servants,
6. O All-Provider who repeatedly bestows provisions on His creatures in abundance,
7. O All-Discloser who discloses everything with wisdom, and who rules with justice,
8. O All-Knowing One who knows everything perfectly,
9. O All-Bestower who repeatedly bestows gifts and rewards on His servants in abundance, although they have no claim,
10. O All-Relenting One who welcomes the repentance of his servants,
Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!
We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!
1. O He who has created me and given me best form and nature.
2. O He who provides for me and teaches me,
3. O He who makes me eat and drink,
4. O He who makes me closer to Himself ,
5. O He who protects me from all kinds of harm and who is sufficient for me,
6. O He who takes care of my needs and who protects me,
7. O He who leads me to the right way and who makes me successful,
8. O He who gives me dignity and who makes me rich,
9. O He who will make me die, and who will resurrect me,
10. O my Lord, who embraces me with His mercy, and who gives me peace and tranquility,
Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!
We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!
1. O He who makes the truth real by His words,
2. O He whose judgment cannot be overruled by anybody,
3. O He whose decree cannot be rejected by anybody,
4. O He who enters in between people and their hearts, who leaves the desires of people unfulfilled if they are unsuitable according to His wisdom,
5. O He who welcomes the repentance of his servants,
6. O He without whose permission no intercession can succeed,
7. O He by whose power the skies are furled and under His control.
8. O He who knows best those who deviate from His path,
9. O He whom thunder glorifies with praise, and whom the angels glorify in awe,
10. O my Lord, who sends the winds as a signal and herald of His mercy,
Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!
We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!
1. O He who has made the Earth a cradle for his creatures,
2. O He who has rendered mountains the masts of the ship, Earth,
3. O He who has made the Sun a lamp for the palace of the universe,
4. O He who has made the Moon a luminous candle in the ceiling of the sky,
5. O He who has made the night a cover,
6. O He who has made the day a time of work and earning,
7. O He who has made sleep a means of rest,
8. O He who has constructed the skies as an edifice,
9. O He who has created all creatures in pairs, male and female,
10. O my Lord, who made Hell watch over those who will enter it,
Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!
We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!
O God! I ask from You and beseech through Your beautiful names:
1. O All-Interceding One, who has true intercession,
2. O All-Hearing One, who hears everything,
3. O All-Exalter who exalts whomever He desires, spiritually or physically,
4. O All-Preventing One, who prevents whatever He will,
5. O All-Originating One, who creates everything out of nothing, and who creates all things in the best shape and artfully,
6. O Ever-Swift One, who creates and judges those He calls to account swiftly,
7. O Giver of good news to His obedient servants,
8. O Warner, who warns His servants against the terrible consequences of rebelling against Him,
9. O All-Powerful One, who has infinite power,
10. O Omnipotent One, who is capable of making everything,
Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!
We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!
1. O All-Living One, who preceded all living things, who is the possessor of true life,
2. O All-Living One, who will exist after all living things have ceased to exist,
3. O All-Living One, whom nothing resembles,
4. O All-Living One, to whom nothing is equal or similar,
5. O All-Living One, of whom no being can be an associate,
6. O All-Living One, who is not in need of any living thing,
7. O All-Living One, who sends death to all living things,
8. O All-Living One, who provides for all living things,
9. O All-Living One, who resurrects the dead,
10. O my Lord, who never dies, the true possessor of life,
Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!
We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!
1. O He who is remembered at all times, never being forgotten,
2. O He who possesses never-ending light,
3. O He who possesses infinite laudation and praise,
4. O He who possesses immutable attributes,
5. O He whose blessings are countless,
6. O He whose sovereignty is never ending,
7. O He the nature of whose greatness cannot be known,
8. O He whose decree is irresistible,
9. O He who possesses attributes that cannot be changed,
10. O my Lord, who possesses perfection that cannot be fully comprehended,
Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!
We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!