O God! I ask from You and beseech through your beautiful names:

1. O All-Unveiling One, who unveils all secrets and enigmas of the universe to His servants, and who saves His servants from calamity, grief, pain, and agony,  

2. O Liberator, who comforts by removing grief and trouble,

3. O All-Conqueror, who opens wide the doors of mercy, grants conquest and success, and who rules justly, 

4. O All-Helper, who helps his servants,

5. O All-Guarantor, who assumes responsibility to fulfill all the needs of His creatures,

6. O All-Commander, who commands whatever He will,

7. O Prohibiting One, who prohibits whatever He will,

8. O Giver of Hope, who is the hope of His servants, and who inspires hope in them,

9. O Expected One, of whom His servants are hopeful,

10. O Great Hope, who is the greatest door of hope and recourse,

 Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!


1. O the helper of the weak,

2. O He whose mercy is the unending treasure of the poor,

3. O the Patron of the destitute,

4. O He who is the helper of His saints,

5. O Crusher of enemies,

6. O Raiser of the skies,

7. O Remover of calamities,

8. O He who inspires tranquility in His saints,

9. O the beloved of the pious,

10. O my God, who is the true Lord of all the wealthy and wealth,

 Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!


1. O He who is prior and everlastingly subsequent to everything,

2. O He who is the true Lord and Maker of everything,

3. O He who is the provider and creator of everything,

4. O He who is the true creator and sovereign of everything,

5. O He who sometimes lessens by providing sparsely, and who sometimes increases by providing abundantly,

6. O He who has created all things the first time, and who revives them after they die,

7. O He who creates the required causes for everything and who decrees a measure,

8. O He who trains and governs everything,

9. O He who turns all things from one state into another and who alters them,

10. O my Lord, who animates all things by giving life, and who makes them die,

 Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!


1. O He who is the best of those who recollect and of those who are recollected,

2. O He who is the best of those who welcome thanksgivings and of those who are thanked

3. O He who is the best of those who welcome praise, and of those who are praised,

4. O He who is the best of those who see, and of those who are seen,

5. O He who is the best of those who call, and of those who are called,

6. O He who is the best of those who reply, and of those whose invitation is accepted,

7. O He who is the best of those who familiarize and of those who are familiarized,

8. O He who is the best of friends and comrades,

9. O He who is the best of those who are longed for and sought after,

10. O my Lord, who is the best of those who love and of those who are loved,

 Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!


1. O He who answers those who pray to Him,

2. O He who loves those who obey Him,

3. O He who is close to those who love Him,

4. O He who knows well those who desire Him,

5. O He who grants favors to those who are hopeful of Him,

6. O He who shows forbearance toward those who rebel against Him, and who does not hasten to punish them,

7. O He who delays the punishment of sinners for a reason,

8. O He who is mighty in His rule,

9. O He who is merciful as well as Mighty,

10. O He whose beneficence and munificence has no beginning, 

 Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!


O God! I ask from You and beseech through your beautiful names:

1. O Causer of causes, who creates the causes of everything, 

2. O He who draws closer to Him whomever He wills,

3. O Pursuer, who pursues everything that takes place in the universe and who makes things follow one another in His wisdom,  

4. O Alterer, who alters the moods of hearts in whatever manner He wills, and who makes day into night, winter into summer, 

5. O Determiner, who determines a measure for everything, and who creates according to a measure and a plan, 

6. O Arranger, who creates everything according to an arrangement and order,

7. O Giver of desire, who draws everything to Himself and to what is good for it,

8. O Reminder, who counsels His servants to keep away from evil and to turn toward good,

9. O Giver of existence, who creates all beings out of nothing,

10. O Perfectly Great, who has ultimate greatness, and who is the most exalted of all,

 Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!


1. O He who hears all sounds at once without confusing one with another,

2. O He who is able to perform many actions simultaneously,

3. O He who speaks to each being in the universe simultaneously without one word interfering with another,

4. O He who answers all prayers and requests simultaneously without any confusion,

5. O He who does not get weary of the persistence of those who ask insistently,

6. O He who comforts the hearts of believers with faith,

7. O He who purifies the hearts of His modest servants with pious reverence through their remembrance of Him,

8. O He who never abandons the hearts of those who long for Him,

9. O He who is the supreme wish of those who seek Him,

10. O my Lord, to whom nothing in the universe is hidden,

 Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!


1. O He whose knowledge is prior to everything,

2. O He whose promise is true,

3. O He whose grace and liberality are manifest and clear everywhere,

4. O He whose command and will prevail and which are overwhelming everywhere,

5. O He whose Book is firm and sound,

6. O He whose execution and decree are realized,

7. O He whose Qur'an is noble and exalted,

8. O He whose sovereignty and Dominion are post-eternal,

9. O He whose bounties and liberality are continuous,

10. O my Lord, whose Sublime Divine Throne is of ultimate sublimity,

 Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!


1. O the Master of Masters

2. O He who opens all doors,

3. O the true Causer of causes and their Creator,

4. O He who gives goodness and rewards,

5. O He who inspires the correct things,

6. O He who creates clouds out of nothing,

7. O He whose punishment is severe,

8. O He who is swift in the judgment of His servants,

9. O He to whom return is destined,

10. O my Lord, who forgives sins, and accepts repentance, 

 Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!


O God! I ask from You and beseech through your beautiful names:

1. O our Lord,

2. O our God,

3. O our Owner,

4. O our Master,  

5. O our Helper,

6. O our Protector,

7. O our Lord whose power dominates everything,

8. O our Provider who provides for us with our livelihoods,

9. O our guide,

10. O our Deliverer, who rescues us from trouble and disaster,

 Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!

O God, O our Lord, save us from chastisement in Hell, save us, and grant us deliverance!

O my Lord, who protects His servants from chastisement, who saves them, and who has ample forgiveness, bestow on us well-being out of your grace and liberality, forgive us, put us in Paradise, Your pure and clean abode, along with the righteous.

For the sake of these noble and honorable Names and these exalted and gracious Attributes of Yours, I am asking You to send down blessings and mercy on our master Prophet Muhammad, his family and his companions, in accordance with his good works!

In the name of God.

God is sufficient for me.

There is no true deity other than God.

God bears witness to everything.

Say: He is God.

Only what God desires comes true.

My Lord is God.

The glory of God is sublime.

God is All-High.

I have put my trust in God and I rely on Him.

God suffices you against your enemies. He is All-Hearing and All-Knowing.

(O Lord,) You are free from all defects and imperfections, and You are the possessor of all beauty. There is no true god, but You. Mercy! Mercy! I confess that I am unable to praise You as You praise Yourself. O God, O Merciful, O Compassionate, O Forgiving, O Accepter of thanks.

O God! For the sake of the beautiful Names and exalted Attributes that You designate for Yourself and for Your absolutely complete words, I am asking You, and I am begging You: forgive me, my parents, and all believers, be they dead or alive, male or female.

O Lord! Bestow on us such mercy that we will never need the mercy of anyone else. Please meet our physical and spiritual needs and grant our requests. When we depart from this world, grant us a beautiful end with bliss, liberality and eternal glad tidings.

O my Lord! Give due rewards to Prophet Muhammad—peace and blessings be upon Him—as much as He deserves, in return for the good deeds He did for us.

O my Lord! Please do not leave us with our carnal selves or with any of your creatures, not even for a second. Please guide, protect, and look after us with Your never-sleeping eye. Preserve us with Your support, never leaving us alone, O my Lord, possessor of Majesty and Grace!

O my Lord! Protect us from disasters that may be caused by jinn, men, or devils; from earthquakes, from the shattering of mountains because of their fear of God, from evil intentions and from all disease and pain and all catastrophes, disasters, calamities, misfortunes and evils!

O my Lord, the most merciful of all! Bestow on us salvation, well-being, and goodness in this world as well as in the Hereafter, out of Your infinite mercy.

O Lord! Your peace and blessings be upon our master Muhammad, his family, and his companions!

Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds!