O God! I ask from You and beseech through your beautiful names:


1. O God, Who is free from any imperfection, the owner of all beautiful names, the exalted and eternal properties, and He Who is truly worshiped by everything,

2. O All-Merciful, Provider of all creation in this world Who does not discriminate between friend or foe,

3. O All-Compassionate, Bestower of special favor and affection on His obedient servants in the hereafter,

4. O All-Knowing, who knows that which has happened, that which is happening and that which will happen; from whom nothing in the universe is hidden, whose knowledge encompasses everything, small or great, manifest or hidden,

5. O All-Clement, who is forbearing, mild and gentle, who does not make haste to punish His sinful servants, despite their rebellion, Who is eminently patient,

6. O All-Mighty He who is loftier than all who have might (greatness and sublimity),

7. O All-Wise, who creates everything in the most appropriate manner, who possesses wisdom,

8. O Pre-Eternally Existent, whose being has no beginning,

9. O Ever-Enduring, who exists by Himself and forever, who requires nothing for His existence nor for its continuity and who maintains all that exists,

10. O All-Generous, whose goodness is abundant, whose gifts are without end, who possesses all honor and virtue, whose work is praiseworthy; the forgiving Lord,

Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!


1. O Master of masters,

2. O He who answers all prayers,

3. O He who preserves and rewards all good deeds,

4. O He who elevates ranks and positions,

5. O He who increases material and spiritual blessings with abundance bestowed out of His infinite mercy,

6. O He who forgives mistakes and faults,

7. O He who repels all calamities,

8. O He who hears all the voices from all beings, be they weak or strong, hidden or articulated without confusion,

9. O He who grants the desires of all creatures,

10. O our Lord, who knows all secrets and sees all hidden things,

Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!


1. O the best of forgivers,

2. O the best of helpers,

3. O the best of just sovereigns,

4. O the best of rulers,

5. O the best of those who remember and of those who are remembered, o He who gives the best reward to those who do not forget Him with remembrance,

6. O He Who is not of those that come to an end, he who lasts forever after the annihilation of everything, and who is the only inheritor of whatever His servants have,

7. O He who gives the best rewards to those who praise Him,

8. O He who provides abundantly and without cessation,

9. O the best of rulers who discerns truth from fallacy,

10.  O our Lord, the best of  benefactors,  beyond whose favor there is no favor,

Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!


1. O the true owner of beauty, honor and might,

2. O the true owner of sovereignty and greatness,

3. O the true owner of power, perfection, and excellence,

4. O the greatest of greats, the only exalted one,

5. O He whose punishment is dreadful, and whose torment is most harsh,

6. O He whose sentence is severe,

7. O He who brings to account swiftly,

8. O He who possesses the most beautiful rewards,

9. O He who owns the book which leaves out nothing,

10.  O our Lord, who creates clouds of rain and raises them,

Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!


O God! I ask You and beseech through your beautiful names:

1. O Tender One, who shows His mercy time and time again, who is inclined [even] toward those who turn away from Him,

2. O Beneficent One, whose goodness and blessings are ample,

3. O Requiter, who calls His servants to account, and who recompenses them for their deeds without omission,

4. O Pardoning One, who covers the sins of His servants with forgiveness,

5. O Proof, who indicates the true and straight path to His servants, who is the proof of His own existence, as well as the proof for the existence of everything,

6. O Sovereign, who is the true owner of the rule and sovereignty,

7. O All-Glorious One, who is free from all deficiencies and imperfections; who is the owner of all manners of beauty and perfection,

8. O Source of Help, to whom everyone turns,

9. O Owner of Bounty and Exposition, who nourishes His creatures with His infinite blessings, who endows His servants with the power to express their thoughts, and who explains His intentions in the most eloquent way,

10. O Trustworthy One, who bestows trust, peace, and comfort against all fear and danger,

Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell! 


1. O He before whose Might all things yield,

2. O He before whose Power all things submit,

3. O He before whose honor and might all things bow and obey,

4. O He before whose Majesty all things are abased,

5. O He before whose sovereignty all things are obedient,

6. O He in awe of Whom all things become servants,

7. O He in awe of Whose Greatness mountains fall apart,

8. O He by whose command firmaments are fixed,

9. O He by whose permission the Earth finds stability,

10.  O our Lord, the owner of sovereignty whose subjects are safe from cruelty,

Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!


1. O the forgiver of mistakes,

2. O the remover of calamities,

3. O the last resort and the greatest of hopes,

4. O He whose favors are plenteous,

5. O He whose gifts are bounteous,

6. O He who provides for all creatures,

7. O He who decides the time to die and carries it out on time,

8. O He who hears complaints,

9. O He who sends armies to save the needy,

10.  O our Lord, who bestows freedom on those who are in material and spiritual slavery,

Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!


1. O He who is the only one to be thanked and praised,

2. O He who is the owner of all glory, honor, and sublimity,

3. O He who deserves infinite praise, and who is the owner of all that is sublime and beautiful,

4. O He who has the power to keep His promises, and who fulfills them in the best manner,

5. O He who forgives and who is pleased with those who seek His forgiveness and good pleasure,

6. O He whose bounty and gifts to His creatures are without measure,

7. O He to whom belongs the solution of every matter and the execution of every rule,

8. O He who is everlasting with infinite honor and might,

9. O He who grants His blessings with generosity,

10.  O our Lord, who gives goodness and gifts without expecting anything in return,

Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!  


O God! I ask You and beseech through your beautiful names:

1. O Withholder, who prevents anything he does not want to give ,

2. O Repeller, who can remove and keep away anything from what He will,

3. O Creator of things beneficial, who gives to whomever He desires as he desires,

4. O All-Hearing,

5. O Exalter, who Himself is exalted in every way, and who exalts whomever He wants,

6. O He who creates all things through art,

7. O Intercessor, who intercedes on behalf of whomever He wants, and accepts the intercession of whomever He wants,

8. O Summoner, who collects all goodness and beauty in Himself, and who gathers all creatures in His presence at the time of resurrection,

9. O Encompasser, who surrounds everything,

10. O our Lord, who expands anything to whatever extent He desires,

Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!


1. O the master of all works of art,

2. O the Creator of all that is created,

3. O He who provides for all things that are in need of sustenance

4. O He who owns all sovereignty and power,

5. O He who comforts all who are in trouble,

6. O He who relieves all who are in gloom and despair,

7. O He who shows mercy to those who are in need of mercy and affection,

8. O He who helps all those who are devoid of help,

9. O He who covers all shame,

10.  O my Lord, who is the refuge of those who are subject to cruelty and injustice,

Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!