1. O He who is my helper and support when I fall upon hard times,

2. O He who is my source of hope when misfortune falls upon me,

3. O He who is my friend when I am lonely and desolate,

4. O He who supports me with His mercy, protection, and patronage when I am far from home and lonely,

5. O my owner, whose power and mercy are the only source of all the blessings that I enjoy,

6. O the remover of my grief and troubles,

7. O my succorer who helps me when I am in need,

8. O my refuge, when troubles and hard times befall me,

9. O my helper, when I am afraid,

10.  O my Lord, my guide to the right path when I am baffled and confused,

Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!


1. O the knower of the unknown,

2. O He who repeatedly forgives oft repeated sins

3. O He who covers shame,

4. O He who eliminates trouble,

5. O He who transforms hearts from one state to another,

6. O He who embellishes hearts,

7. O He who illuminates hearts,

8. O the physician of hearts,

9. O the beloved of hearts,

10.  O my Lord who is the companion of our hearts and who fills our hearts with company,

Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!


O God! I ask You and beseech through your beautiful names:

1. O All-Majestic, who is the owner of infinite greatness,

2. All-Beautiful, who is the true owner of beauty and who endows everything with beauty,

3. O Disposer, to whom the providence and management of creatures belongs,

4. O Guarantor, who assumes the provision of the needs of creatures,

5. O Evidence for the truth, who shows the true path to His servants,

6. O All-Pardoning, who forgives the mistakes and faults of His servants,

7. O Aware One, who is informed of all things and nothing remains hidden from Him,

8. O All-Gracious and Subtle, who grants favors and blessings by offering beneficial things to His creations in a gracious manner, who knows the subtlest and most secret aspects of things,

9. O All-Honored and Mighty who is powerful and cannot be overcome,

10. O my Lord, who is the real owner of all existence, and the sovereign of the entire universe,

Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!


1. O the guide of those who are confused and hesitant,

2. O the helper of those who ask for help,

3. O the savior of those who ask for deliverance,

4. O the protector of those who need protection,

5. O the refuge of the rebellious and the sinners,

6. O the forgiver of sinners,

7. O the inspirer of trust and the comforter of those who are afraid,

8. O He who shows mercy to those who are helpless and needy,

9. O the companion of those who are desolate, and those who have no one to whom they can turn,

10.  O my Lord, who answers the prayers of those in desperate straits,

Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!


1. O the owner of infinite generosity and favors,

2. O He who gives blessings out of His grace without expecting anything in return,

3. O He who provides safety and security,

4. O He who is free from any fault and who is the source of all purity and cleanliness in the universe,

5. O He who acts wisely, and who reveals His wisdom,

6. O He who is infinitely merciful to His creatures, and is pleased with His obedient servants,

7. O He who brings out the existence of all things, and who is the proof and evidence of His existence as well as His creation,

8. O He who is the sole ruler and owner of greatness, sublimity, and the universe,

9. O He who forgives and pardons His sinful servants,

10.  O my Lord, who grants favors to all living beings with His infinite affection, and to whom every living being turns for help,

Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!


1. O the only Lord of all things,

2. O the only God of all things,

3. O the only creator of all things,

4. O He who is higher and more exalted than all things,

5. O He who existed before all things,

6. O He who will exist after all things have vanished,

7. O He who knows what has been, what is, and what will be, from whom nothing in the universe is hidden, whose knowledge comprehends all things, small or great, manifest or hidden,

8. O He who is capable of everything,

9. O He who creates all things in a perfect, glorious fashion,

10. O my Lord, who is the Everlasting, while all else is temporary,

Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!


O God! I ask You and beseech through your beautiful names:

1. O Source of Security who makes His servants safe from all danger and fear in this world, and who protects them from unjust punishment in the hereafter,

2. O Protector, who protects His servants and watches over what they do,

3. O Giver of existence, who creates all beings out of nothing,

4. O Instructor who inspires and teaches His creatures what they need,

5. O He who makes plain who explains His unity and whatever needs explaining, with clear evidence to His servants,

6. O Facilitator who makes all manner of difficult things easy for His servants,

7. O Embellisher who embellishes all things in the most suitable fashion,

8. O Magnificent whose greatness is acknowledged by His servants,

9. O All-Helper who makes His creatures assist one another, and who helps those who are in need,

10. O Imbuer of color, who beautifies all things by creating them in various kinds and colors,

Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!


1. O He whose regulations and governing of His realm (the universe) is continuous,

2. O He before whose sublimity and highness all things are humble,

3. O He whose sovereignty has no beginning,

4. O He who is highly merciful and affectionate to His servants,

5. O He who knows everything; what has happened, what is happening, and what will happen, from whom nothing is hidden in the universe, whose knowledge encompasses everything, small or great, manifest or hidden,

6. O All-Clement who does not rush to punish His sinful servants who have turned away from Him, despite their rebellion,

7. O He who does not turn down those who put their trust in Him; He who grants bounties and favors,

8. O He who does everything properly according to His providence and measures, the owner of wisdom,

9. O He who grants favors and blessings to His servants under His rule with kindness and delicacy; He who knows the most delicate and hidden aspects of things,

10. O my Lord, who has complete power to bestow the proper favors and bounties on whomever he will,

Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!


1. O He from whom only grace and favors are expected,

2. O He whose acts are not to be feared, except those which are carried out as instruments of His Justice, inflicted as we deserve,

3. O He from whom only goodness and beneficence are expected,

4. O He whose forgiveness is desired above all else,

5. O He Who has the only Dominion in which there is everlasting sovereignty,

6. O He Who whose rule is the only true sovereignty,

7. O He for whose existence there is no need for proof, for He is the First; He is proof for the existence of everything,

8. O He whose mercy encompasses everything,

9. O He whose mercy surpasses His wrath,

10. O my Lord, whose knowledge comprehends everything,

Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!


1. O He who eliminates troubles and worries,

2. O He who removes sorrow and grief,

3. O He who forgives sins,

4. O He who accepts repentance,

5. O He who creates all beings,

6. O He who is truthful in His promise,

7. O He who provides infants with affection,

8. O He who fulfils His promises,

9. O He who knows all secrets,

10. O my Lord, who splits seeds and kernels and makes them sprout,

Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!