O God! I ask from You and beseech through your beautiful names:

1. O All-High who is superior to His creatures with His power,

2. O All-Faithful who is truthful both in His good news and His threats and who satisfies the needs of those in need,

3. O Lord who assumes the guarantee of things concerning the universe and creatures,

4. O He Who possesses all treasures through which His perfection can be perceived, He who does not need anything, who is the true owner of all treasures,

5. O Owner of infinite treasures, and whose power is sufficient for everything,

6. O All-Pure who is free from all faults and defects, and who is free from material and spiritual impurities,

7. O Pleased One who makes Himself loved by His servants by bestowing on them favors and blessings, and who is pleased by their servanthood,

8. O Manifest One whose existence and oneness are clearly displayed through His marvelous works,  

9. O Hidden One who knows everything up to the finest details, who has hidden favors,

10. O Infinitely-Strong who has absolute strength and power,

Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!


1. O He who manifests the beautiful,

2. O He who covers the ugly,

3. O He who is not harmed by the crimes of His servants , and who makes not haste to punish them in revenge,

4. O He who does not unveil secret shame nor reveal it,

5. O He whose forgiveness is absolute,

6. O He who mercifully decides not to punish a sinner if he so desires,

7. O He whose forgiveness is infinite,

8. O He who opens doors of mercy for His servants,

9. O He who hears and knows every whisper,

10. O my Lord, who is the ultimate authority for all complaints,

Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!


1. O He who has blessings that encompass everything,

2. O He who has extensive mercy,

3. O He who has complete wisdom,

4. O He who has absolute power,

5. O He who owns exact proof for His Existence and Oneness,

6. O He who has manifest generosity and goodness,

7. O He who has the most sublime attributes

8. O He who has never-ending Honor and Might,

9. O He who has firm and unshakable strength,

10.  O my Lord, who grants bounties before the good deeds of His servants are performed,

Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!


1. O the Wisest of the wise,

2. O the most just of the just,

3. O the truest of the truthful,

4. O He whose existence is the most definite, 

5. O the purest of the pure,

6. O He who creates in the most perfect fashion,

7. O He who is the quickest of those who judge,

8. O the best of hearers,

9. O the most generous of the gracious,

10.  O the most compassionate of the compassionate,

11.  O the best of intercessors,

Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!


1. O He who created the heavens without any model, He who created the heavens out of nothing,

2. O He who creates darkness,

3. O He who knows all secrets,

4. O He who is merciful to those who suffer in agony and shed tears,

5. O He who covers up shameful and ugly things, who does not expose them,

6. O He who removes distress and calamity,

7. O He who resurrects the dead,

8. O He who rewards generously in return for the good deeds of His servants,

9. O He who pours down abundance,

10.  O my Lord, who is very severe in punishing those who deserve punishment,

Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!


O God! I ask from You and beseech through your beautiful names:

1. O Fashioner, who creates His creatures in any form He wills,

2. O Determiner, who creates everything in perfect measure,

3. O Purifier, who purifies everything from physical and spiritual impurities,

4. O Enlightener, who illuminates everything with His divine light,

5. O Promoter, who promotes whomever he will, with regard to honor, rank, place or time,

6. O Delayer, who delays what he will,

7. O Expeditor, who makes the difficult easy, who gives goodness or evil to those who seek them,

8. O Admonisher who protects His servants from evil consequences,

9. O Herald of glad tidings,

10. O Governor, who governs the whole universe that observes His order,

Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!


1. O the Lord of the Sacred House, the Ka'ba,

2. O the Lord of the sacred months,

3. O the Lord of the Sacred Mosque in Makka,

4. O the Lord of the holy city Makka,

5. O the Lord of the Black Stone and the northeast corner of the Ka'ba,

6. O the Lord of the sacred hill in Muzdalifa,

7. O the Lord of the Hil and Haram (the free zones and sanctified zones in the Hijaz region),

8. O the Lord and Owner of the light and the darkness (day and night),

9. O He who is the only source of security and peace,

10.  O my Lord, who is the owner of might and greatness; our Gracious Lord who grants countless blessings to His servants,

Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!


1. O He who is the support of those who lack support,

2. O He who is the prop of those who lack a prop,

3. O He who is the provider of those who lack provisions,

4. O He who is the helper of those who lack a helper,

5. O He who is the refuge of those who lack refuge,

6. O He who is the pride of those who have nothing to be proud of,

7. O He who is the source of honor and might for those without honor or might,

8. O He who is the assistant of those who lack assistance,

9. O He who is the companion of those who lack a companion,

10.  O my Lord, who is the infinite wealth of those who lack wealth,

Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!


O God! I ask from You and beseech through your beautiful names:

1. O Existent One, who bestows existence on all beings,

2. O Enduring One, whose being has neither a beginning nor an end, who is continuous,

3. O Compassionate One, who shows mercy to all creatures in His compassion,

4. O Ruler, whose rule comprehends everything and who rules over all,

5. O All-Knowing One, who knows everything that has been, that is, and that will be,

6. O Guardian, who guards His creatures,

7. O Apportioner who apportions everything with justice,

8. O Flawless One, who is free from all shame, fault, and deficiencies,

9. O Constrictor, who lessens the material and spiritual provision of any of His servants as He wills,

10. O Expander, who makes greater the material and spiritual provision of any of His servants as He wills,

Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!


1. O He who guards those who take refuge in Him,

2. O He who shows mercy on those who seek His mercy,

3. O He who helps those who ask for His help,

4. O He who protects those who ask for His protection,

5. O He who bestows on those who ask for His Bestowals,

6. O He who guides to the right path those who ask for His guidance,

7. O He who helps those who ask for His help,

8. O He who aids those who expect His aid,

9. O He who hears the cry of those who cry out,

10.  O my Lord, who pardons those who ask Him for forgiveness,

Glory be to You, O Lord! There is no god, but You!

 We beg for mercy, protect us from Hell!